GoOd GuY BiOz

AnImAtEd GiFs

BaD GuY BiOz

QuEsTiOnZ oR CoMeNtZ


PoWeR LeVeLs

BaD GuY GiFs

SiGn My GuEsT BoOk


MoRe PiCtUrEs

EvEn MoRe PiCtUrEs

AhHhHk EvEn MoRe

PoWeR LeVeLz

This iz wer ull find there PoWeR LeVeLz.

The Radditz Saga

Radditz= 1,200

Piccolo (with weighted clothing) = 322

Piccolo (withought weighted clothing) = 408

Goku (with weighted clothing) = 330

Goku (withought weighted clothing) = 416

Goku (shooting the Kamehameha) = 950

Piccolo= with Makkan Sappo 1st Time - 1,330

Piccolo= with Makkan Sappo 2nd Time - 1,440

Gohan (When pissed off) = 1,370


The Vegeta Saga

Yamcha = 1,065

Krillin = 1,673

Tienshinhan = 1834

Piccolo = 3,000

Piccolo = 3,400 (max)

Gohan = 2,000

Gohan = 3,100 (max)

Goku (normal power) = 5,000

Goku = 9,000 (max)

Goku (Kaioken1x) = 13,000

Goku (Kaioken2x) = 16,000

Goku (Kaioken3x)= 21,000

Goku (Kaioken4x with Kamehameha) = 26,000

Nappa= 4,000

Nappa= 4,900 (Max)

Vegeta= 10,000

Vegeta (Powered Up) = 18,000

Vegeta (Using Galic Gun) = 21,000


The Freeza Saga

Gohan = 7,200

Krillin = 4,300

Kui = 18,200

Dodoria = 19,500

Vegeta = 22,000

Zarbon = 21,000

Zarbon (Monster Form) = 24,000

Vegeta (After 1st Zarbon Fight) = 26,000

Krillin (After Guru Power Up) = 9,000

Gohan (After Guru Power Up)= 22,000

Guldo = 460 - Got into Ginyu Force because of Time Freeze Ability

Jeice = 45,000

Burter = 43,000

Recoome = 41,000

Goku (While using Kaioken) = 180,000

Ginyu = 120,000

Vegeta (After Ginyu Force) = 67,000 to 150,000(top)

Nail = 40,000

Piccolo = 59,000 - Before Mergin with Nail

Piccolo = 400,000 - merged with Nail

Piccolo = 440,000 - merged with Nail, without weighted clothing

Standard Form Freeza = 150,000

Form 2 Freeza = 390,000

Form 3 Freeza = 610,000

Form 4 Freeza 25% power = 1,000,000

Form 4 Freeza 50% power = 2,000,000

Form 4 Freeza 75% power = 3,000,000

Form 4 Freeza 100% power = 4,000,000

Goku = 230,000 - After Being healed

Goku Kaioken 10x = 950,000

Goku Kaioken 20x = 2,100,000

Super Saiya-jin Goku = 4,950,000


Freezabot = 5,100,000

King Kold = 430,000

Trunks = 6,000,000

Goku = 6,750,000 - After being gone for a long time.

Vegeta = 800,000 - After being in gravity trainer.


Everything after the Freeza Saga is guessing since Akira Toriyama didn't intend for the power levels to play such a big role in Dragon Ball Z.

Diz iz one of my FAVORITES.

Diz iz another FAVORITE.