GoOd GuY BiOz
Son Goku:
Goku is the main hero of the series. He's described in more detail on the last page.
Bulma is the second character to appear in the series, and has been a major character in both DB and DBZ. She created the "Dragon Radar" which can sense the location of the Dragon Balls by the radiation they emit, and was the one who first started the se arch for the Dragon Balls. She is also Trunks' and Bra's mother. She is a major influence on almost all of the major characters and is most notably the only character who was able to "tame" Vegeta.
Mutenroshi: (Also Known As Master Roshi)
Mutenroshi was Goku's first trainer and was once the strongest person on earth. He founded the "Kamehameha" technique which was used A LOT in the series. He's also incredibly perverted; he has a panty fetish and is always trying to find ways to get "peeks " or "feels" of young, beautiful women. However, he has a companion, Umigame, a sea turtle, who tries to curb his "urges." Despite his perverted wishes, Mutenroshi is very old and wise, and has an excellent battle sense. Like many other characters in DB, Mutenroshi played his prime role in the first series.
Oolong was one of the earliest characters to appear in the DB series. He is a small pig with the ability to change his shape to whatever he wants for 5 minutes. Then he has to rest for 1 minute before he can shape-change again. Like Mutenroshi, he is als o a pervert with a panty fetish, but he is not nearly as lecherous. Yet another character whose prime importance was in the earlier series.
Pooalu is a floating blue cat that went to the same shape-changing school as Oolong. He (She?) has somewhat of a rivalry with Oolong left over from kindergarten; Oolong had bullied him before getting kicked out for stealing the teacher's panties. Unlike Oolong, Pooalu can do "true" change, and does not need to rest every 5 minutes. Pooalu is also a friend (worshipper?) of Yamucha's. He has always served as somewhat of a minor character in both series, although he has had his high points.
One of the first characters to appear in the series, Yamucha was originally Goku's enemy, but soon became friends with him. Yamucha is characterized by a constantly changing hairstyle and an intense fear of women. (at least at the beginning) He was somew hat of an important character during the first series but less so in the second, being the weakest of all the Z fighters.
Gyumao: (also Known as The Ox King)
Gyumao was Kamesennin's second best student, next to Son Gohan, Goku's "Grandfather." (Goku named his son after his grandfather, so don't get confused) He is a very large man who is always characterized by wearing a horned helmet. He appeared early in th e series, during the first search for the Dragon Balls.
Chichi is Gyumao's daughter, who also first appeared about the same time as he did. After the first time we see Gyumao and Chichi they don't reappear for a long time (in the manga). The next time we see Chichi, she gets married to Goku. Therefore, she is also Gohan and Goten's mother. Her distinguishing trait is her temper; she gets mad a LOT. She is a very overprotective mother, which is probably justified in that her son is constantly drawn into fights against some of the toughest people in the unive rse.
Krillin is Goku's best friend, and has been around since the first series. He is a fighting monk who leaves his temple to find and train with Mutenroshi. He is kind of short, has no nose and throughout most of the series, has no hair either. Krillin trained with Goku under Mutenroshi and afterwards shared many adventures with him. Krillin has died more times than anyone else in the series. He is one of the weaker fighters, but this is partially due to his low self-confidence. Nevertheless, he has gotte n fairly powerful due to all his fights with the really powerful enemies, and I think is the next strongest Z fighter after Piccolo.
A young, naive girl that Goku and Krillin saved to bring to Kamesennin. She stayed at the Kame House during the first series, acting as somewhat of a housekeeper. Normally she is a polite, good-natured girl with dark hair, but whenever she sneezes, her h air turns blond and she becomes a psychotic criminal. When "bad" Lunch sneezes, she changes back.
Artificial Human #8:
The first Artifical Human in the Dragon Ball series, AH #8 first appeared during the first series, and bears a resemblance to the Frankenstein Monster. Made by Dr Gero of the Red Ribbon Army, he was supposed to kill Goku but would "not do bad things." Goku saved his life and became his friend, and AH #8 ("Hatchan") helped Goku defeat White of the Red Ribbon Army.
Bora and Upa:
Bora is a big man that guards Karin's tower, and Upa is his son. They have Goku's 4-star Dragon Ball, and appear during the Red Ribbon saga. Bora is killed by Taopaipai, sparking a quest where Upa joins Goku to find the Dragon Balls to revive him. After the first series, we don't see Bora and Upa again until the very end of DBZ during the fight with Original Buu.
A very old, wise cat which lives high on the top of Karin Tower. It is there that he grows the Senzu beans, magic beans that heal and energize whoever ate them, plus each bean is worth 10 days of food when eaten. Karin-sama also has the Choushinsui, a very magical but very poisonous tea that grants a large power-up to whoever drinks it and survives.
Uranai-no-Baba: (lit. Fortune telling old woman)
Uranai-no-Baba is Mutenroshi's older sister, who runs a fortune telling "business." For 10,000,000 zeni (the DB world's money) you can have your fortune told, or else you have to beat 5 of her fighters to have the future told. She also has the power to allow someone to come back from the dead for one day. She does this for Son Gohan (Goku's "grandfather") and Goku later on.
Son Gohan:
Sorry if this confuses you, there are 2 Son Gohans in the series. This one is Goku's "grandfather" who found Goku abandoned in his Saiyajin space capsule and took him in. Goku squashed Gohan flat when he turned into a giant monkey. Gohan comes back from the dead in the series as one of Uranai no Baba's 5 fighters to talk to Goku.
Tenshinhan is a 3-eyed man who was a student of Mutenroshi's rival Tsurusennin, from whom he learned a lot of interesting techniques. He can communicate telepathically with his best friend Chaozu, and his master Tsurusennin. Originally he trained to be an assassin, but eventually realized that being one was not what he wanted. He beat Goku to win the 2nd Tenkaichi-budokai, and was fairly powerful during the first series, second only to Goku. Recently, though, he has taken a subordinate role in the series like Yamucha. Next to Yamucha, he is probably the weakest Z fighter.
A small, pastel-white floating child, and friend of Tenshinhan. Like Tenshinhan, Chaozu is a student of Tsurusennin, and competed in the second Tenkaichi-Budokai in the series. Chaozu is a fairly good fighter, but is not very good at math; this proves to be his weakness. He is tied with Krillin for the most number of deaths in the series.
A friend of Goku's and a minor character in the series who carried Goku up Karin's tower during the time when the old Piccolo was around. For some reason he decided to stay there. He occasionally comes down to supply Senzu beans. Normally a coward, he occasionally does something brave, like attacking Vegeta and cutting off his tail. He is a fairly good fighter in his own right but not up to the standards of Goku and the others.
Mister Popo:
Mister Popo is a short, jet-black humanoid with a turban who lives up in the Tenkai and is a servant to whoever is the current Kami of earth. He's been there since even before Kami-sama was there, and is fairly strong, though nowhere near as powerful as any of the other Z fighters.
Kami-sama, the god of Earth, created Shen-Lon and the Dragon Balls. He is a Nameck-seijin like Piccolo. Actually, he is Piccolo; he cast away all his evil into the old Piccolo. Therefore, if Piccolo dies, so does he. Kami-sama lives in the Tenkai, a floating palace high above Karin's tower, where he can look down and see what is happening on earth. He no longer exists, having fused with Piccolo to give him a large power-up so he could fight Cell.
There are two Piccolos in the DB/DBZ series. The one who became a "good guy" was actually the "new" Piccolo, the son of the first.
Son Gohan:
Gohan is Goku's first son.Gohan is also a half Saiyajin.
Aside from Goku, the only pure Saiyajin left alive by the end of the series.
Enma-sama is a huge man that guards the entrance to the afterworld. He sits at a desk and sends all the spirits that come there to either Tenkoku (heaven) or Jigoku. (Hell) He plays a fairly minor role in the series but often deals with what happens to dead main characters, allowing them to return to Earth, etc. Note that Enma is actually a figure from Shinto religion, the King of the Afterworld.
Kaio-sama:(Also Known as King Kai)
One of four Kaios, beings from each corner of the galaxy who monitor activity in their sector of the galaxy. He lives on a ridiculously small planet (ever read "The Little Prince?") at the end of a long road in Heaven. He has a pet monkey Bubbles and in the TV series, a pet insect of some sort, Gregory. The first time Goku died, he trained with Kaio-sama and learned the Kaio-ken and Genki-dama. Kaio's planet was destroyed when Cell blew up on it.
Dende is Kami-sama's successor as the god of Earth. Like Piccolo and Kami-sama, he is also a Nameck-seijin, and is even younger than Gohan. Gohan and Krillin first met Dende on their trip to Nameck-sei to gather the Nameck Dragon Balls. He has the power to heal injuries by laying his hands on the injured, and created more powerful Dragon Balls on Earth that can grant three wishes.
A minor character during the Nameck-sei episodes, Nail is the bodyguard of Saichoryo, the planet's elder and source of life for the Dragon Balls. He fused with Piccolo to give him a power-up to fight Freezer.
Trunks is Vegeta's first child. There are two different Trunkses in DBZ. (Yes, they are technically the same person but have totally different personalities).There is Chibi Trunks and Mira(or Future) Trunks.Chibi Trunks is best friends with goten and Mira Trunks Doesnt even play with goten there not best friends.
Artificial Humans #17 and #18:
These two Artifical Humans were also created by Dr. Gero to kill Goku. They are twin brother and sister, #17 being a man with long black hair, and #18 being a girl with blond hair. In Trunks' future, they are both very much "bad guys," having wiped out most of the population of Earth. However during the altered timeline they are less destructive, focusing just on killing Goku. They end up joining the Z fighters to fight Cell, as Cell wanted to absorb both of them. Cell absorbed both, which was the last time we ever see or hear of #17 until the very end of the manga series, but Cell eventually spits out #18. Later on after Cell is killed, #18 marries Krillin.
Artificial Human #16:
AH #16 is a very large robotic man with a red mohawk and green armor. He was made by Dr. Gero to kill Goku as revenge for destroying the Red Ribbon Army, but joined the Z fighters to fight Cell. He is normally very quiet and introverted, and possesses a strong love and respect for nature and life. His death at the hands (feet?) of Cell was what triggered Gohan to go Super Saiyajin 2 for the first time.
Mr. Satan:
Used mostly as comic relief, Mr. Satan is the "hero of earth," taking credit for having killed Cell and saving the planet. Among "normal" Earthlings, he is fairly strong, but in reality he is a weakling and a coward. However, he performs the occasional heroic action, and occasionally manages to save the rest of the Z fighters by some minor action. He is also one of the only characters in the Dragon Ball series who has never died.
Videl is Mr. Satan's daughter, and is the same age as Gohan. While not nearly as strong as any of the other Z fighters, she is a lot better than her father. She is in Gohan's high school class and uncovers his identity of "Great Saiyaman." Eventually she and Gohan get married.
Son Goten:
Goten is Goku's second son, and a dead ringer for Goku when he was a little kid. At the end of the series, Goten was 17 and looked nothing like Goku though. Goten is very powerful for someone his age, although he is a little bit naive like his father. He can fuse with Trunks to become Gotenks, one of the most powerful characters in the series.
Maron is Krillin and #18's daughter with a very round head and pigtails. She plays a very minor role in the series. (in fact, we don't even learn her name until long after she is first introduced) There's not too much more I can think of to say about her.
(East) Kaio-shin:
Kaio-shin is one of four gods of the Kaios. Most of the other Kaio-shins were killed off by Majin-Buu, and one was imprisoned within the Zed Sword. (we actually get to see this one) Kaio-shin then traveled to Earth to stop Babidi from reviving Buu, and enlists the help of the Z fighters. However, his plan to stop the revival backfires...
Kibito is Kaioshin's assistant. He has the power to heal wounds with his hands much like Dende. He plays a fairly minor role in the DBZ series. Eventually using 15-dai-mae Kaio-shin's earrings, he fuses with Kaio-shin permanently.
Majin-Buu was one of the strongest villians in the Dragon Ball/Dragon Ball Z universe, but he eventually became a good guy. He has gone through more different forms than Freezer and Cell combined. The first Buu is fat Buu, a fat, round pink man with a cape and the mind of a baby, but is very strong. When he got really angry, the smoke that came out of his head changed into Skinny Buu. Fat Buu (who became a good guy around this point) tried to change him into a chocolate, but Skinny Buu blew the blast back at him. Fat Buu turned into a chocolate, Skinny Buu ate him, and turned into Super Buu.
15 Dai-mae Kaio-shin: (lit. Kaio-shin from 15 generations ago)
15 Dai-mae Kaio-shin was the Kaio-shin trapped in the Z Sword. When it broke, he was released. Like Mutenroshi, he is a real pervert, but he has an interesting skill; he can give a huge power-up to anyone who can sit through a 25-hour power-up. He uses this skill to make Gohan the most powerful non-fused character in the series.
Using the Fusion, Goten and Trunks can fuse into Gotenks. Gotenks is very powerful, second only to Gohan and Vegitto, and also is the only character other than Goku that can change to Super Saiyajin 4. However, he has a huge ego which gets him in trouble . Gotenks is often used as comic relief as well.
When Goku and Vegeta fuse, they become Vegitto (Vegeta+Kakarott=Vegitto), the most powerful character in the DBZ world. (I've also seen his name as Gogeta, but this is from a DBZ movie and not the original manga.) Like Gotenks, Vegitto has a huge ego.
Pan is Gohan and Videl's daughter. She first appears in the last two installments of the manga before it ended. Needless to say, we never get to learn a lot about her before the series ends. She looks just like Videl did at 16, just a lot smaller. She's pretty tough in a fight for her age and size, and certainly has the potential to become fairly strong.
Bra is Trunks' little sister. She looks like a carbon copy of Bulma when we first see her way back in DB book #1, only much smaller. Like Pan, she only appears in the last two installments of the manga and only speaks a single line in those installments so it's tough to say much about her.
Ubuu is a polite little kid with a mohawk, another character who doesn't appear until the very end of the series. Actually, he is the reincarnation of Original Buu.He is very powerful for a human his age. At the end of the series, Ubuu goes back to his hometown with Goku, who is going to train him.
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